Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; GPEnova_contentItem has a deprecated constructor in /volume2/web/_studio/widgets/GPEnova_content/GPEnova_content.class.php on line 774 Call Stack: 0.0001 357120 1. {main}() /volume2/web/_studio/index.php:0 0.1515 1486832 2. ModuleHandler->displayContent($oModule = class BoardView { public $listConfig = ['no' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'thumbnail' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'title' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'nick_name' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'regdate' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'readed_count' => class ExtraItem { ... }]; public $columnList = [0 => 'documents.document_srl', 1 => 'documents.module_srl', 2 => 'documents.category_srl', 3 => 'documents.lang_code', 4 => 'documents.is_notice', 5 => 'documents.title', 6 => 'documents.title_bold', 7 => 'documents.title_color', 8 => 'documents.member_srl', 9 => 'documents.nick_name', 10 => 'documents.tags', 11 => 'documents.extra_vars', 12 => 'documents.comment_count', 13 => 'documents.trackback_count', 14 => 'documents.uploaded_count', 15 => 'documents.status', 16 => 'documents.regdate', 17 => 'documents.last_update', 21 => 'documents.readed_count']; public $search_option = [0 => 'title_content', 1 => 'title', 2 => 'content', 3 => 'comment', 4 => 'user_name', 5 => 'nick_name', 6 => 'user_id', 7 => 'tag']; public $order_target = [0 => 'list_order', 1 => 'update_order', 2 => 'regdate', 3 => 'voted_count', 4 => 'blamed_count', 5 => 'readed_count', 6 => 'comment_count', 7 => 'title', 8 => 'nick_name', 9 => 'user_name', 10 => 'user_id']; public $skin = 'default'; public $list_count = '20'; public $page_count = '10'; public $category_list = NULL; public $module = 'board'; public $module_info = class stdClass { public $module_srl = 293; public $module = 'board'; public $module_category_srl = 0; public $layout_srl = 12719; public $use_mobile = 'N'; public $mlayout_srl = -1; public $menu_srl = 65; public $site_srl = 0; public $domain_srl = -1; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $is_skin_fix = 'Y'; public $skin = 'rhymix-sketchbook-master'; public $is_mskin_fix = 'N'; public $mskin = '/USE_DEFAULT/'; public $browser_title = '무료 영상 소스'; public $description = ''; public $is_default = 'N'; public $content = NULL; public $mcontent = NULL; public $open_rss = 'Y'; public $header_text = ''; public $footer_text = ''; public $regdate = '20180304103110'; public $anonymous_except_admin = 'N'; public $anonymous_name = 'anonymous'; public $cancel_vote = 'N'; public $comment_delete_message = 'no'; public $comment_length_limit = '128'; public $consultation = 'N'; public $document_length_limit = '1024'; public $except_notice = 'Y'; public $filter_specialchars = 'Y'; public $hide_category = 'N'; public $list = 'no,thumbnail,title,nick_name,regdate,readed_count'; public $list_count = '20'; public $meta_keywords = '무료 영상 소스 크로마키'; public $mobile_list_count = '20'; public $mobile_page_count = '5'; public $mobile_search_list_count = '20'; public $non_login_vote = 'N'; public $order_target = 'list_order'; public $order_type = 'asc'; public $page_count = '10'; public $protect_admin_content_delete = 'Y'; public $protect_admin_content_update = 'Y'; public $protect_content = 'N'; public $search_list_count = '20'; public $skip_bottom_list_days = '30'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_olddoc = 'N'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_robot = 'N'; public $trash_use = 'N'; public $update_order_on_comment = 'Y'; public $use_anonymous = 'N'; public $use_bottom_list = 'Y'; public $use_status = 'PUBLIC'; public $module_type = 'view'; public $use_category = 'Y'; public $breadcrumb = 'N'; public $btm_mn = [...]; public $cnb = 'cTab'; public $cnb_count = 'Y'; public $color = '333333'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $content_default = '






다운로드 링크 (아래링크의 설명란을 참고하세요)


'; public $default_style = 'list'; public $duration_new = '12'; public $font_btn = 'N'; public $notice_style = '2'; public $rd_nav = 'N'; public $show_files = '2'; public $srch_window = 'N'; public $thumbnail_height = '151'; public $thumbnail_width = '270'; public $viewer = 'N'; public $viewer_lst = 'N'; public $viewer_with = 'N'; public $votes = 'N'; public $write_btn = 'N'; public $zine_thumb_height = '124'; public $zine_thumb_type = 'ratio'; public $zine_thumb_width = '220'; public $link_board = NULL; public $show_cate = NULL; public $subject_cut_size = NULL; public $title = NULL; public $title_img = NULL; public $font = NULL; public $rd_nav_side = NULL; public $img_link = NULL; public $main_menu = NULL; public $files_type = NULL; public $bubble = NULL; public $img_opt = NULL; public $lst_viewer = NULL; public $select_lst_more = NULL; public $normal_lst_tdW = NULL; public $select_lst = NULL; public $fdb_count = NULL; public $hover = NULL; public $shadow = NULL; public $cnb3_color = NULL; public $zine_tx_color = NULL; public $hd_tx = NULL; public $custom_shadow = NULL; public $ribbon_img = NULL; public $ribbon_style = NULL; public $no_img = NULL; public $img_insert = NULL; public $search_keyword = NULL; public $category = NULL; public $vid = NULL; public $ext_img = FALSE; public $cmt_count = FALSE; public $wrt_opt = FALSE; public $preview = FALSE; public $viewer_itm = FALSE; public $rd_blog_itm = FALSE; public $zine_margin = 10; public $cmt_wrt = 'simple'; public $extra_num = 1; public $extra_num2 = 1; public $custom_color = NULL; public $cnb_open = NULL; public $srch_btm = NULL; public $write_btm_btn = NULL; public $content_cut_size = 240; public $preview_tx = 150; public $img_insert_align = 'center' }; public $origin_module_info = class stdClass { public $module_srl = 293; public $module = 'board'; public $module_category_srl = 0; public $layout_srl = 12719; public $use_mobile = 'N'; public $mlayout_srl = -1; public $menu_srl = 65; public $site_srl = 0; public $domain_srl = -1; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $is_skin_fix = 'Y'; public $skin = 'rhymix-sketchbook-master'; public $is_mskin_fix = 'N'; public $mskin = '/USE_DEFAULT/'; public $browser_title = '무료 영상 소스'; public $description = ''; public $is_default = 'N'; public $content = NULL; public $mcontent = NULL; public $open_rss = 'Y'; public $header_text = ''; public $footer_text = ''; public $regdate = '20180304103110'; public $anonymous_except_admin = 'N'; public $anonymous_name = 'anonymous'; public $cancel_vote = 'N'; public $comment_delete_message = 'no'; public $comment_length_limit = '128'; public $consultation = 'N'; public $document_length_limit = '1024'; public $except_notice = 'Y'; public $filter_specialchars = 'Y'; public $hide_category = 'N'; public $list = 'no,thumbnail,title,nick_name,regdate,readed_count'; public $list_count = '20'; public $meta_keywords = '무료 영상 소스 크로마키'; public $mobile_list_count = '20'; public $mobile_page_count = '5'; public $mobile_search_list_count = '20'; public $non_login_vote = 'N'; public $order_target = 'list_order'; public $order_type = 'asc'; public $page_count = '10'; public $protect_admin_content_delete = 'Y'; public $protect_admin_content_update = 'Y'; public $protect_content = 'N'; public $search_list_count = '20'; public $skip_bottom_list_days = '30'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_olddoc = 'N'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_robot = 'N'; public $trash_use = 'N'; public $update_order_on_comment = 'Y'; public $use_anonymous = 'N'; public $use_bottom_list = 'Y'; public $use_status = 'PUBLIC'; public $module_type = 'view'; public $use_category = 'Y'; public $breadcrumb = 'N'; public $btm_mn = [...]; public $cnb = 'cTab'; public $cnb_count = 'Y'; public $color = '333333'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $content_default = '






다운로드 링크 (아래링크의 설명란을 참고하세요)


'; public $default_style = 'list'; public $duration_new = '12'; public $font_btn = 'N'; public $notice_style = '2'; public $rd_nav = 'N'; public $show_files = '2'; public $srch_window = 'N'; public $thumbnail_height = '151'; public $thumbnail_width = '270'; public $viewer = 'N'; public $viewer_lst = 'N'; public $viewer_with = 'N'; public $votes = 'N'; public $write_btn = 'N'; public $zine_thumb_height = '124'; public $zine_thumb_type = 'ratio'; public $zine_thumb_width = '220'; public $link_board = NULL; public $show_cate = NULL; public $subject_cut_size = NULL; public $title = NULL; public $title_img = NULL; public $font = NULL; public $rd_nav_side = NULL; public $img_link = NULL; public $main_menu = NULL; public $files_type = NULL; public $bubble = NULL; public $img_opt = NULL; public $lst_viewer = NULL; public $select_lst_more = NULL; public $normal_lst_tdW = NULL; public $select_lst = NULL; public $fdb_count = NULL; public $hover = NULL; public $shadow = NULL; public $cnb3_color = NULL; public $zine_tx_color = NULL; public $hd_tx = NULL; public $custom_shadow = NULL; public $ribbon_img = NULL; public $ribbon_style = NULL; public $no_img = NULL; public $img_insert = NULL; public $search_keyword = NULL; public $category = NULL; public $vid = NULL; public $ext_img = FALSE; public $cmt_count = FALSE; public $wrt_opt = FALSE; public $preview = FALSE; public $viewer_itm = FALSE; public $rd_blog_itm = FALSE; public $zine_margin = 10; public $cmt_wrt = 'simple'; public $extra_num = 1; public $extra_num2 = 1; public $custom_color = NULL; public $cnb_open = NULL; public $srch_btm = NULL; public $write_btm_btn = NULL; public $content_cut_size = 240; public $preview_tx = 150; public $img_insert_align = 'center' }; public $module_config = NULL; public $module_path = '/volume2/web/_studio/modules/board/'; public $xml_info = class stdClass { public $admin_index_act = 'dispBoardAdminContent'; public $default_index_act = 'dispBoardContent'; public $setup_index_act = 'dispBoardAdminInsertBoard'; public $simple_setup_index_act = 'getBoardAdminSimpleSetup'; public $route = class stdClass { ... }; public $action = class stdClass { ... }; public $grant = class stdClass { ... }; public $menu = class stdClass { ... }; public $classes = [...]; public $namespaces = [...]; public $prefixes = [...]; public $error_handlers = [...]; public $event_handlers = [...] }; public $module_srl = 293; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $act = 'dispBoardContent'; public $template_path = '/volume2/web/_studio/modules/board/skins/rhymix-sketchbook-master/'; public $template_file = 'list'; public $layout_path = './layouts/portal_NOVA/'; public $layout_file = 'layout'; public $edited_layout_file = NULL; public $stop_proc = FALSE; public $user = class Rhymix\Framework\Helpers\SessionHelper { public $member_srl = 0; public $is_admin = 'N'; public $group_list = [...]; public $menu_list = [...] }; public $request = class Rhymix\Framework\Request { public $method = 'GET'; public $compat_method = 'GET'; public $url = ''; public $hostname = ''; public $domain = NULL; public $protocol = 'http'; public $callback_function = ''; protected $_route_status = 200; protected $_route_options = class stdClass { ... }; public $module = ''; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $act = ''; public $args = [...] }; public $ajaxRequestMethod = [0 => 'XMLRPC', 1 => 'JSON']; public $gzhandler_enable = TRUE; public $error = 0; public $message = 'success'; public $variables = []; public $httpStatusCode = 200; public $skin_vars = NULL; public $grant = class stdClass { public $access = TRUE; public $is_admin = FALSE; public $manager = FALSE; public $is_site_admin = FALSE; public $root = FALSE; public $list = TRUE; public $view = TRUE; public $write_document = FALSE; public $write_comment = FALSE; public $vote_log_view = TRUE; public $update_view = TRUE; public $consultation_read = FALSE }; public $search_list_count = '20'; public $except_notice = TRUE; public $include_modules = []; public $consultation = FALSE }) /volume2/web/_studio/index.php:60 0.1599 1999136 3. DisplayHandler->printContent($oModule = class BoardView { public $listConfig = ['no' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'thumbnail' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'title' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'nick_name' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'regdate' => class ExtraItem { ... }, 'readed_count' => class ExtraItem { ... }]; public $columnList = [0 => 'documents.document_srl', 1 => 'documents.module_srl', 2 => 'documents.category_srl', 3 => 'documents.lang_code', 4 => 'documents.is_notice', 5 => 'documents.title', 6 => 'documents.title_bold', 7 => 'documents.title_color', 8 => 'documents.member_srl', 9 => 'documents.nick_name', 10 => 'documents.tags', 11 => 'documents.extra_vars', 12 => 'documents.comment_count', 13 => 'documents.trackback_count', 14 => 'documents.uploaded_count', 15 => 'documents.status', 16 => 'documents.regdate', 17 => 'documents.last_update', 21 => 'documents.readed_count']; public $search_option = [0 => 'title_content', 1 => 'title', 2 => 'content', 3 => 'comment', 4 => 'user_name', 5 => 'nick_name', 6 => 'user_id', 7 => 'tag']; public $order_target = [0 => 'list_order', 1 => 'update_order', 2 => 'regdate', 3 => 'voted_count', 4 => 'blamed_count', 5 => 'readed_count', 6 => 'comment_count', 7 => 'title', 8 => 'nick_name', 9 => 'user_name', 10 => 'user_id']; public $skin = 'default'; public $list_count = '20'; public $page_count = '10'; public $category_list = NULL; public $module = 'board'; public $module_info = class stdClass { public $module_srl = 293; public $module = 'board'; public $module_category_srl = 0; public $layout_srl = 12719; public $use_mobile = 'N'; public $mlayout_srl = -1; public $menu_srl = 65; public $site_srl = 0; public $domain_srl = -1; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $is_skin_fix = 'Y'; public $skin = 'rhymix-sketchbook-master'; public $is_mskin_fix = 'N'; public $mskin = '/USE_DEFAULT/'; public $browser_title = '무료 영상 소스'; public $description = ''; public $is_default = 'N'; public $content = NULL; public $mcontent = NULL; public $open_rss = 'Y'; public $header_text = ''; public $footer_text = ''; public $regdate = '20180304103110'; public $anonymous_except_admin = 'N'; public $anonymous_name = 'anonymous'; public $cancel_vote = 'N'; public $comment_delete_message = 'no'; public $comment_length_limit = '128'; public $consultation = 'N'; public $document_length_limit = '1024'; public $except_notice = 'Y'; public $filter_specialchars = 'Y'; public $hide_category = 'N'; public $list = 'no,thumbnail,title,nick_name,regdate,readed_count'; public $list_count = '20'; public $meta_keywords = '무료 영상 소스 크로마키'; public $mobile_list_count = '20'; public $mobile_page_count = '5'; public $mobile_search_list_count = '20'; public $non_login_vote = 'N'; public $order_target = 'list_order'; public $order_type = 'asc'; public $page_count = '10'; public $protect_admin_content_delete = 'Y'; public $protect_admin_content_update = 'Y'; public $protect_content = 'N'; public $search_list_count = '20'; public $skip_bottom_list_days = '30'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_olddoc = 'N'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_robot = 'N'; public $trash_use = 'N'; public $update_order_on_comment = 'Y'; public $use_anonymous = 'N'; public $use_bottom_list = 'Y'; public $use_status = 'PUBLIC'; public $module_type = 'view'; public $use_category = 'Y'; public $breadcrumb = 'N'; public $btm_mn = [...]; public $cnb = 'cTab'; public $cnb_count = 'Y'; public $color = '333333'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $content_default = '






다운로드 링크 (아래링크의 설명란을 참고하세요)


'; public $default_style = 'list'; public $duration_new = '12'; public $font_btn = 'N'; public $notice_style = '2'; public $rd_nav = 'N'; public $show_files = '2'; public $srch_window = 'N'; public $thumbnail_height = '151'; public $thumbnail_width = '270'; public $viewer = 'N'; public $viewer_lst = 'N'; public $viewer_with = 'N'; public $votes = 'N'; public $write_btn = 'N'; public $zine_thumb_height = '124'; public $zine_thumb_type = 'ratio'; public $zine_thumb_width = '220'; public $link_board = NULL; public $show_cate = NULL; public $subject_cut_size = NULL; public $title = NULL; public $title_img = NULL; public $font = NULL; public $rd_nav_side = NULL; public $img_link = NULL; public $main_menu = NULL; public $files_type = NULL; public $bubble = NULL; public $img_opt = NULL; public $lst_viewer = NULL; public $select_lst_more = NULL; public $normal_lst_tdW = NULL; public $select_lst = NULL; public $fdb_count = NULL; public $hover = NULL; public $shadow = NULL; public $cnb3_color = NULL; public $zine_tx_color = NULL; public $hd_tx = NULL; public $custom_shadow = NULL; public $ribbon_img = NULL; public $ribbon_style = NULL; public $no_img = NULL; public $img_insert = NULL; public $search_keyword = NULL; public $category = NULL; public $vid = NULL; public $ext_img = FALSE; public $cmt_count = FALSE; public $wrt_opt = FALSE; public $preview = FALSE; public $viewer_itm = FALSE; public $rd_blog_itm = FALSE; public $zine_margin = 10; public $cmt_wrt = 'simple'; public $extra_num = 1; public $extra_num2 = 1; public $custom_color = NULL; public $cnb_open = NULL; public $srch_btm = NULL; public $write_btm_btn = NULL; public $content_cut_size = 240; public $preview_tx = 150; public $img_insert_align = 'center' }; public $origin_module_info = class stdClass { public $module_srl = 293; public $module = 'board'; public $module_category_srl = 0; public $layout_srl = 12719; public $use_mobile = 'N'; public $mlayout_srl = -1; public $menu_srl = 65; public $site_srl = 0; public $domain_srl = -1; public $mid = 'Image_source'; public $is_skin_fix = 'Y'; public $skin = 'rhymix-sketchbook-master'; public $is_mskin_fix = 'N'; public $mskin = '/USE_DEFAULT/'; public $browser_title = '무료 영상 소스'; public $description = ''; public $is_default = 'N'; public $content = NULL; public $mcontent = NULL; public $open_rss = 'Y'; public $header_text = ''; public $footer_text = ''; public $regdate = '20180304103110'; public $anonymous_except_admin = 'N'; public $anonymous_name = 'anonymous'; public $cancel_vote = 'N'; public $comment_delete_message = 'no'; public $comment_length_limit = '128'; public $consultation = 'N'; public $document_length_limit = '1024'; public $except_notice = 'Y'; public $filter_specialchars = 'Y'; public $hide_category = 'N'; public $list = 'no,thumbnail,title,nick_name,regdate,readed_count'; public $list_count = '20'; public $meta_keywords = '무료 영상 소스 크로마키'; public $mobile_list_count = '20'; public $mobile_page_count = '5'; public $mobile_search_list_count = '20'; public $non_login_vote = 'N'; public $order_target = 'list_order'; public $order_type = 'asc'; public $page_count = '10'; public $protect_admin_content_delete = 'Y'; public $protect_admin_content_update = 'Y'; public $protect_content = 'N'; public $search_list_count = '20'; public $skip_bottom_list_days = '30'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_olddoc = 'N'; public $skip_bottom_list_for_robot = 'N'; public $trash_use = 'N'; public $update_order_on_comment = 'Y'; public $use_anonymous = 'N'; public $use_bottom_list = 'Y'; public $use_status = 'PUBLIC'; public $module_type = 'view'; public $use_category = 'Y'; public $breadcrumb = 'N'; public $btm_mn = [...]; public $cnb = 'cTab'; public $cnb_count = 'Y'; public $color = '333333'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $content_default = '






다운로드 링크 (아래링크의 설명란을 참고하세요)


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ModuleHandler::triggerCall($trigger_name = 'display', $called_position = 'before', $obj = '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') /volume2/web/_studio/classes/display/DisplayHandler.class.php:70 0.1987 2311968 5. WidgetController->triggerWidgetCompile($content = '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') /volume2/web/_studio/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php:1358 0.1987 2311968 6. WidgetController->transWidgetCode($content = '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', $javascript_mode = FALSE, $isReplaceLangCode = ???) /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:248 0.1991 2312344 7. preg_replace_callback($regex = '!]*)widget=([^>]*?)>!is', $callback = [0 => class WidgetController { public $javascript_mode = FALSE; public $layout_javascript_mode = FALSE; public $module = 'widget'; public $module_info = NULL; public $origin_module_info = NULL; public $module_config = NULL; public $module_path = '/volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/'; public $xml_info = NULL; public $module_srl = NULL; public $mid = NULL; public $act = NULL; public $template_path = NULL; public $template_file = NULL; public $layout_path = NULL; public $layout_file = NULL; public $edited_layout_file = NULL; public $stop_proc = FALSE; public $user = class Rhymix\Framework\Helpers\SessionHelper { ... }; public $request = class Rhymix\Framework\Request { ... }; public $ajaxRequestMethod = [...]; public $gzhandler_enable = TRUE; public $error = 0; public $message = 'success'; public $variables = [...]; public $httpStatusCode = 200 }, 1 => 'transWidget'], $subject = '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:266 0.2831 3907784 8. WidgetController->transWidget($matches = [0 => ' '"GPEnova_content" skin="GPEnova_skin_de" colorset="white" list_type="normal" list_con_se="sideContents" content_type="document" module_srls="351" option_view="title" tab_type="none" tab_color="default" list_count="4" cols_list_count="1" page_count="1" subject_cut_size="32" thumbnail_type="crop" show_secret="Y" show_category="N" show_comment_count="N" show_icon="N" show_browser_title="N" show_trackback_count="N" order_target="regdate" order_type="desc" widgetstyle="gpeNOVA_ws_de" ws_title="공지사항" ws_t']) /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:266 0.2833 3911864 9. WidgetController->execute($widget = 'GPEnova_content', $args = class stdClass { public $class = 'zbxe_widget_output'; public $skin = 'GPEnova_skin_de'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $list_type = 'normal'; public $list_con_se = 'sideContents'; public $content_type = 'document'; public $module_srls = '351'; public $option_view = 'title'; public $tab_type = 'none'; public $tab_color = 'default'; public $list_count = '4'; public $cols_list_count = '1'; public $page_count = '1'; public $subject_cut_size = '32'; public $thumbnail_type = 'crop'; public $show_secret = 'Y'; public $show_category = 'N'; public $show_comment_count = 'N'; public $show_icon = 'N'; public $show_browser_title = 'N'; public $show_trackback_count = 'N'; public $order_target = 'regdate'; public $order_type = 'desc'; public $widgetstyle = 'gpeNOVA_ws_de'; public $ws_title = '공지사항'; public $ws_titcolor = 'bk'; public $ws_more_url = ''; public $ws_more_area = 'no'; public $ws_con_se = 'sideContents'; public $ws_con_bottpadd = '6'; public $widget_sequence = 0; public $widget_cache = 0 }, $javascript_mode = FALSE, $escaped = ???) /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:295 0.2835 3914104 10. WidgetController->getCache($widget = 'GPEnova_content', $args = class stdClass { public $class = 'zbxe_widget_output'; public $skin = 'GPEnova_skin_de'; public $colorset = 'white'; public $list_type = 'normal'; public $list_con_se = 'sideContents'; public $content_type = 'document'; public $module_srls = '351'; public $option_view = 'title'; public $tab_type = 'none'; public $tab_color = 'default'; public $list_count = '4'; public $cols_list_count = '1'; public $page_count = '1'; public $subject_cut_size = '32'; public $thumbnail_type = 'crop'; public $show_secret = 'Y'; public $show_category = 'N'; public $show_comment_count = 'N'; public $show_icon = 'N'; public $show_browser_title = 'N'; public $show_trackback_count = 'N'; public $order_target = 'regdate'; public $order_type = 'desc'; public $widgetstyle = 'gpeNOVA_ws_de'; public $ws_title = '공지사항'; public $ws_titcolor = 'bk'; public $ws_more_url = ''; public $ws_more_area = 'no'; public $ws_con_se = 'sideContents'; public $ws_con_bottpadd = '6'; public $widget_sequence = 0; public $widget_cache = 0 }, $lang_type = ???, $ignore_cache = ???, $override_sequence = ???) /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:477 0.2836 3914272 11. WidgetController->getWidgetObject($widget = 'GPEnova_content') /volume2/web/_studio/modules/widget/widget.controller.php:391 아방스 Studios - 무료 영상 소스
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